Post MSIgnite 2018 – What I’m Watching

As I filtered through the 1700+ sessions leading up to Microsoft Ignite, I quickly knew that unless I was able to clone myself I would have some catching up to do.  Rather than try to sort through all of the sessions again later, I made a playlist of sessions that I’d like to go back and watch.

The playlist is a compilation of 70+ videos and 24+ hours of content, mostly in the Azure and Office 365 arena since that is where a lot of my focus is these days.  Is there a session that shouldn’t be missed?  Feel free to let me know what should be added!

Removing Multiple Blocked Senders from EOP

Along with an Office 365 subscription, you get Microsoft’s mail filtering solution Exchange Online Protection (EOP).  You can also subscribe to EOP if you are running on on-premises mail solution.

One nice feature of EOP is that it can be configured to detect and block outbound spam.  IF When a user account gets compromised (or maybe you have legitimate spammers) Microsoft can block the ability for the account to send any more outbound mail until you have addressed the account and unblocked it.  This is great until you have an outbreak of compromised accounts, likely due to phishing victims, and need to remove multiple blocked addresses.  So how can we do this?

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